Sad to be missing the Whit Walk and The Saddleworth Band Contest today due to a somewhat inconvenient broken leg and ankle. It doesn't seem like more than a couple of days ago since I was 'embedded', in true photojournalism speak, with the fantastic Boarshurst Silver Band from 9am to 11pm. It was an honour to spend the day with such a fantastic group of people who were incredibly warm and friendly. I was amazed how much stamina and committment they had from first thing in the morning to the last thing at night. To accomplish a substantial Whit Walk around Greenfield and then successfully compete in the Band Contest from 3pm to 11pm is a remarkable achievement and has my upmost respect.
I decided to shoot the event with my new Leica M240 rangefinder camera system. This proved to be a great learning experience for me as throughout my thirty plus year career I've shot with almost every camera system around including large, medium and snall format film systems followed by 35mm dslr and medium format digital formats but never with a film or digital rangefinder. The M240 is an amazing digital rangefinder that produces outstanding image quality through the Leica lenses that are the best in the world. I'll publish more later on my experiences with the Leica and also the work I've done with the Boarshurst Silver Band.
Boarshurst Silver Band Musical Director James Garlick. June 2015